Performance Criteria

Certifiers shall satisfy themselves that the provision of structural movement joints is adequate.


The provision of structural movement joints in large building structures and at junctions between existing buildings and new extensions is important to avoid local damage to internal finishes and cladding.


Certifiers should demonstrate that, where necessary, structural movement joints have been provided in accordance with an accepted design methodology.

Evidence will be the detailing of structural movement joints on the building warrant plans or a statement explaining why structural movement joints are not required in a large building structure.

Examples of Major Non-conformances

Absence of or grossly inadequate evidence of the Certifier’s review of the need for structural movement joints.

The provision of structural movement joints clearly does not meet the requirements of the Standards.

Failure to demonstrate that the need to provide structural movement joints has been considered for large or complex buildings.

Examples of Improvement Issues

Insufficient evidence of the Certifier’s review of the need for structural movement joints

Failure to demonstrate that the need to provide structural movement joints has been considered for minor extensions, etc.

March 2022 

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