A single building warrant may cover multiple buildings. For new dwellings, separate completion certificates must be submitted for each new dwelling covered by the warrant. For other building types, the relevant person may choose to submit a single completion certificate for all buildings covered by the warrant or separate ones for each building.
When the relevant person intends to submit separate completion certificates for each building, an ‘interim multi-plot’ Form Q should be used for each building. This will cover the Schedule 1 elements that relate to the building covered by the individual completion certificate.
An ‘interim’ Form Q can still be used to sign off an individual Schedule 1 element, but only when the element has been finalised for all buildings covered by the building warrant.
When the completion certificate for the last building is submitted, a ‘final’ Form Q should be submitted which covers all the Schedule 1 elements on the certificate of design.
In all cases, a completion certificate should not be accepted unless the relevant valid Form Q has been submitted.
To allow separate completion certificates for individual buildings to be accepted, an ‘interim multi-plot’ Form Q should be submitted to the verifier. This should cover those Schedule 1 elements relating to the particular building or plot.
The final completion certificate for the last building should not be accepted unless a valid ‘final’ Form Q has been provided covering all Schedule 1 elements on the certificate.
For further information, please refer to the Procedural Guidance on Certification issued by BSD.
Download Multi-plot Form Q (pdf)