Performance Criteria
Certifiers shall satisfy themselves that adequate details of internal partitions, ceilings and their supports have been prepared and where appropriate that there are sufficient calculations or other evidence to demonstrate the adequacy of the design and that there is evidence that the design and details have had the appropriate level of checking.
Lightweight and masonry partitions, though not required to support loads transmitted through the structure of the building, are required to be sufficiently robust and adequately fixed to support accidental loads from building users. Some partitions will be required to withstand the effects of wind loading arising from dominant openings.
Structural-Safety (SCOSS/CROSS) have reported on a number of collapses of suspended ceilings and their reports have highlighted the need for greater attention by the structural designer.
The Certifier must see that the design of any internal partitions, ceilings and their supports has been adequately considered and that the warrant plans contain sufficient details and specification notes and that these have been appropriately checked.
Special attention must be given to the edge and head restraints to any partitions.
Suspended ceilings must be robust and have sufficient supports to support the weight of the ceiling and any imposed loads.
Specialist suppliers often provide literature containing standard details for the partitions and their fixings and The Construction Fixings Association and the Association of Interior Specialists (Finishes and Interiors Sector) have published guidance in relation to suspended ceilings and their fixings.
Following the collapse of a suspended plaster ceiling in a theatre all theatre owners should have had their suspended plaster ceilings inspected by a specialist to ensure that they are safe. The HSE has highlighted that the hazards from suspended plaster ceilings are not limited to theatres or places of entertainment but will be present in any building with this type of construction. Certifiers should take cognisance of this advice.
Examples of Major Non-conformances
Absence of or grossly inadequate evidence of the Certifier’s review of the design of any internal partitions and ceilings.
The design of any internal partitions or ceilings clearly does not meet the requirements of Standard 1.1.
Absence of or grossly inadequate calculations or other justification demonstrating the adequacy of internal partitions, ceilings and their fixings.
Absence of or grossly inadequate details for internal partitions, ceilings and their fixings.
Examples of Improvement Issues
Insufficient evidence of the Certifier’s review of the design of any internal partitions and ceilings.
Inadequate calculations demonstrating the structural adequacy of internal partitions, ceilings and their fixings.
Inadequate details for internal partitions, ceilings and their fixings.
March 2022
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