Performance Criteria
Certifiers shall not certify projects where the work, or a significant proportion of the work, falls outwith the limits of knowledge and experience declared in the application for membership of the scheme, unless it can be demonstrated that the necessary knowledge and experience has been acquired since making the application.
It is a requirement of the scheme that Certifiers are satisfied that they have the knowledge and experience to be able to discharge the responsibility of certifying a particular design. At the time of applying to be a member of the scheme and at intervals thereafter Certifiers are required to declare their knowledge and experience and it is against this information that there competence will be judged.
Certifiers should not certify work that is outwith the declared range of their knowledge or experience.
They must be able to show that the projects certified fall broadly within the scope of work declared in the application for membership, an application for renewal of membership or that the certifier has acquired the necessary knowledge and experience since making the application for membership.
For specific aspects, or components, which are outwith the competence of the Certifier and which overall comprise a small proportion of the project then the advice of a specialist or expert should be relied on, in accordance with SER Guidance Note 3 ‘Options for Certification’.
The option of relying on the advice of a third party should not be used if a significant proportion of the project were to be certified using this option. In such circumstances the use of an alternative Certifier should be considered.
Examples of Major Non-conformances
Project certified well outwith the scope of competence declared in the application, where there is no evidence to demonstrate that the necessary knowledge and experience has been acquired since making the application.
Examples of Improvement Issues
Specific aspects, or components, of the project outwith the Certifier’s competence and no, or inadequate, reference to an acknowledged specialist or expert competent in the design of the elements in question, where there is no evidence to demonstrate that the necessary knowledge and experience has been acquired since making the application.
October 2016
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