Please ensure that you are registered and logged in before applying to join the scheme
Applications to join the Scheme must be made on-line. There is no provision for paper applications although a signed copy of the application pdf needs to be submitted via email to SER at [email protected].
The application fee for individuals is £50 + VAT. The application fee for Firms is £200 + VAT.
If applying both as an individual and a company, please apply in the following order:
- Make an application as an Approved Certifier.
- Once you have received the application number for this individual, you can then make the application for your firm as an Approved Body, making reference to this application number during the signup process.
The signed copies of both Certifier and Body application forms should be submitted together.
Sole Practitioners need to be both an Approved Certifier and an Approved Body and must submit both applications in the order stipulated above. The combined fee for both types of application is £125 + VAT. The same fee applies for annual renewal of membership.
Note that in order to ensure that application information is current duing the assessment process, applications which have not been submitted to SER within 6 months of the date the application was started will be withdrawn and you will need to begin a new application if you still wish to apply to join the scheme.
Initial registration for Approved Certifiers and Approved Bodies is for a period of 5 years
You must read the Scheme Guide for Jersey before making an application
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