Options for Certification
In order to download a certificate from the SER website the Certifier is required to record the method that has been used to certify the design in Schedule 3 of the certificate.
This schedule is not intended as a qualification of the extent of certification (SER certificates certify the entire building in respect of the structural requirements of the Jersey Building Bye-laws). Nor is it intended as a scoping exercise, or check list, for the project and should not be construed as such. The schedule is intended to record whether the Certifier has certified common elements of the building as designer, checker, on the basis of a review, or for elements outside their competence and experience where they have relied on the advice of a third party expert or specialist.
The Certifier can choose between a number of options, which may be used in conjunction, for undertaking the certification for a project. Whichever option is chosen, for each aspect of the design, it must be recorded along with the reasons for that choice for future audit. This Guidance Note is intended to explain the intention behind the options offered by the system.
Certifiers are reminded of their holistic responsibilities in respect of the compliance of the whole building and in particular of the need to carefully consider the interfaces and interaction between various building elements. This is of particular importance where they have fulfilled different roles in respect of the design of various elements of the building.
It is important to appreciate that certification and checking are separate activities. Certification cannot be delegated to a third party while design checks can only be undertaken by an individual with the necessary experience in the particular aspect of the check. Further guidance on certification checking is provided in Guidance Note 7.
Appendix A, while not exhaustive, has been provided to assist the certifier identify structural elements that may be encountered on a project and the information that will be necessary for the Certifier to undertake the task.
Certifiers should be aware that the plans and details listed in Schedule 1 provide a record of the information used for the purposes of issuing the design certificate. As such, the plans and details listed should be sufficient to confirm the building work described on the certificate complies with the Part 1 requirements of the second schedule to the Jersey Building Bye-laws, and should include all information that could reasonably be expected by the PED to enable it to ascertain the work is constructed as designed.
Notes on Suitability
Option 1
Certifier was Designer, design checked by others
Where the Certifier is also the designer, an independent check of the design must be undertaken prior to certification by a suitably experienced person.
Certifiers may only design those aspects of the building for which they are suitably experienced.
Option 2
Certifier was Checker, design carried out by others
Where the Certifier is also the checker the design should be carried out by a suitably experienced person.
Certifiers may only check those aspects of the design for which they are suitably experienced.
Certifiers may be checking the work of other employees in the same company or may be carrying out a detailed check on a design prepared by others.
Option 3
Certifier was neither Designer nor Checker
Certifiers should carry out a review of the design to satisfy themselves that the design complies with the relevant Building Bye-laws.
The extent of the review will depend on the competence of the designers and checkers.
This option may be used where senior members of staff are reviewing work carried out and checked by staff under their control or when they are reviewing designs submitted by third party designers, including those employed by specialist sub-contractors.
There should be sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the designs have been adequately checked by competent persons as set down in Guidance Note 8.
Certifiers must make a suitable record of their review, and the enquiries made to satisfy themselves of compliance.
Certifiers may wish to request CVs or other documents from third party designers and checkers to demonstrate their qualifications and experience to assist them in determining the extent of the review that they need to carry out. However, there is no requirement to do this.
It should be noted that there may not be any obligation on third party designers and checkers to provide the certifier with CVs or other documents.
It is not sufficient just to rely on CVs and other documents that demonstrate the competence of the designers and checkers as evidence of the adequacy of the design.
Where the competence of the designers and checkers cannot be verified Certifiers may have to arrange an alternative check or undertake the check themselves; in the latter case option 2 would then be the appropriate certification option.
Certifiers must satisfy themselves that the design complies with the required Building Bye-laws.
Option 4
Certifier used competence of an identified third party
Option 4 is only to be used where the design of the element under consideration is outside the competence and experience of the Certifier and only in circumstances where the extent to which the option is used on the project is limited. Certifiers should always consider whether or not they have sufficient competence to certify the project.
For the few elements on projects where this option is used, the Certifier may rely on advice as to the adequacy of the design given by a suitably qualified and experienced person, who has reviewed the design on behalf of the Approved Body.
It is not considered appropriate for the certifier to rely solely on the competence of a third party designer employed by a supplier or sub-contractor as evidence that the design is compliant. The advice should come from a suitably experienced person who is able to give the certifier impartial advice.
Certifiers retain responsibility for the integrity of the checking process and must see that there is sufficient evidence to show that the designs have been checked by a competent person to the level set down in Guidance Note 8.
Certifiers must make a suitable record of how they satisfied themselves of compliance.
Relying on the advice of an identified third party does not absolve the Approved Body and the Approved Certifier of their respective obligations under the Scheme.
Option 5
Certifier was Designer and Checker and self-checked the design
Option 5 should only be used for the certification of works associated with Risk Group 1A described in Guidance Note 8, where the Certifier is also the designer and has carried out a separate self-check of the design prior to certification.
Evidence of the check should be retained with the certification records and made available, if required, at audit.
Appendix A: Checklist of Structural Elements
It is the responsibility of the Certifier to identify all of the building elements that should be covered by the design certificate for each specific project. The following list is intended to assist with that process however it should not be regarded as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the SER Procedures for Auditing the Activities of Approved Bodies and Approved Certifiers.
Design Feature
Information to be Supplied to Certifier
Other Information
Details of Structural Design Team
Design team organisation
Names of companies providing structural design and scope of their appointment
Designers and checkers
Details of individuals responsible for design / checking including qualifications and experience
General Design Overview
Condition assessment of existing building
As built
Report on condition
Loading assessment
Overall stability
Statement of approach
Disproportionate collapse
Statement of approach
Site investigation scope and application to ground conditions
BH/TP locations
Ground investigation reports (factual & interpretative)
Bearing capacity
Mineral stability / grouting
Specification/completion report
Spread foundations
Specification & method statement
Cantilever retaining wall
Piled retaining wall
Mass gravity wall
Anchored wall
Specification and details of anchoring system
Ground Improvement
Dynamic compaction
Vibro compaction
Specification/ test reports
Structural Fire Protection
Elements of structure
Period of fire resistance and method / specification for achieving required standard
Portal frames
Boundary condition requirement
Principal Superstructure
Structural frame
Structural movement joints
Suspended floor(s)
Loadbearing walls
Slab on Solid
Shear walls
Racking panels
Stair enclosure(s)
Roof structure
Link bridges
Galleries and catwalks
Ties, fixings & connections
Building Envelope
Elevation cladding
Curtain wall
Masonry / brick / block
Rainscreen cladding
Roof cladding
Specification – Calculations may be replaced by appropriate test certification
Cladding movement joints
Specification for construction
Wall ties
Certification reference
Fixings & Supports
Calculation may be replaced by appropriate test certification
Secondary Structure
Protective barriers
Specification and fixings details
Internal partitions
Suspended ceilings
Calculations may be replaced by appropriate test certification for proprietary systems
Other Structure
Catwalks and gangways
Tank supports
Stages and raised platforms
Tiered seating
Bridges, Boundary Walls & Fences
Advertising hoardings
Specification - Calculations may be replaced by appropriate test certification for proprietary systems
November 2018
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